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What is a Professional Letter?

A professional letter is a formal written communication that is typically sent from one business professional to another. It is used to convey important information, make requests, share updates, or express opinions in a professional manner.

Professional letters are structured and follow specific formatting guidelines. They usually include the sender's and recipient's contact information, a formal salutation, a clear and concise message, and a polite closing. The tone of a professional letter is professional, respectful, and to the point.

Common types of professional letters include cover letters, business proposals, recommendation letters, resignation letters, and thank-you letters. These letters are essential for maintaining professional relationships and conducting business effectively.

When writing a professional letter, it is important to proofread it for errors, use a professional tone, and ensure that the content is relevant and appropriate for the recipient. By following these guidelines, you can effectively communicate your message and maintain a positive professional image.

A Free Letter of Professional Letters

You can find more free letters of professional letters in our high quality business letter making software, Business Letter Professional.


______________________[Company Name]


______________________[City, State, Zip]




___________________[City, State, Zip]

Dear ______________[Name]

I am sending my resume to you on the recommendation of _______________[Name] of ____________________[Name of Company]. _______________[Name] told me that you were accepting applications for a product manager.From _________________[Name] report, your company sounds very attractive to me.I would be interested in talking with you to learn more about your company and the position.

For the past _________[#] years, I have been at ______________________[Name of company] Before that, I was at ___________________________[Company name] The work I"ve done at these companies has given me a wide range of experience and an opportunity to develop skills that would be beneficial to a product manager.

I would welcome the opportunity to talk with you or to answer any questions about my background and career that you might have.You can reach me during the day at ______________[Phone #].

Thank you for your consideration.




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