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Risky behavior undertaken by young people is not a new phenomenon. It is a multi-faceted and complex issue determined by social and psychological factors. The definition of risky behavior in youths says that they are actions undertaken voluntarily, whose effects are uncertain, with the possibility of identifiable adverse effect on health. Among the most frequently mentioned risky behaviors of youth are: smoking, improper nutrition, alcohol consumption, drug use, suicidal behavior, accidental personal injury, crime, violence, teen-age pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, running away from home and homeless youth, and the lack of potential success at school and dropping out of school.

The introduction of the term "risky behaviors" in literature on the subject is scientifically justified. The creators of the theory of problem behaviors say that "the relationship between protective factors and risk factors interacting with the various systems of functioning of a young person can have an impact on youths engaging in and undertaking behaviors that are conventional or risky for health. The system of behaviors consists of a structure composed of risky as well as conventional behaviors". The first is "risk behaviors", i.e. different behaviors undertaken by children and adolescents which threaten their physical and mental health and are incompatible with social norms. The broad spectrum of risky behaviors of young people today are: the use of psychoactive substances (nicotine, drugs, alcohol, sedatives or hypnotics, designer drugs), violence and aggression, early sexual activity, tattoos and piercings, the use of weight loss diets and anabolic steroids, truancy, neglecting school, running away from home, the manifestation of anti-social behavior, crime, lack of the meaning of life, lack of constructive skills to cope with life, using drugs, psychoactive drugs, vandalism, acts of hooliganism. The system is completed by conventional behaviors, which are aimed at maintaining the traditional norms and values in society. These include pro-social behavior undertaken by children and adolescents, and the positive involvement of adolescents in the activities of the family, school, religious life, also membership in sports clubs, scouts, religious groups, local school governments, i.e. desired attitudes. It is impossible to describe and characterize all the concepts and theories of risky behavior in youths, because the subject matter is extremely rich due to its interdisciplinary character and interest of many sciences.

Risky behaviors undertaken by children and adolescents disrupt the functioning and development of the child in all its aspects. Individual occurrences do not necessarily mean difficulties of a permanent nature and only be a signal to increase interest in the difficult age for the young person. The maturing process is a time to seek answers to existential questions about meaning and self-worth, belonging and acceptance, measured by a previous show of approval or lack of it in the immediate vicinity. One of the ways for this search is undertaking risky behavior. The consciousness of a young person, self-esteem, the environment in which he functions will depend on whether such behavior will arise, and if so, to what extent, and how the adolescent with deal with them. Only systemic educational impact on young people can affect their greater awareness, which will allow them to avoid this type of behavior. Preventing risky (problem) behavior in adolescence gives tangible benefits in terms of improved health status of this population, and in the longer term, the whole of society, which is indirectly associated with lower financial expenditures for remedial action in health care.

Modern parenting has been more challenging than ever. Parents' job is not just preparing meals on the table, putting a roof over children's head, or keeping them warm when winter comes. Watching and preventing risky behaviors undertaken by children and adolescents has become most responsible parents' concerns as well. Children especially teenagers are often lack of mature judgement and are eager to act the way their believe it right, fair or "cool" and avoid talking about it. That makes it more difficulty for parents to notice these risky behaviors. Fortunately, as a benefit of modern digital life, parents can monitor and protect their offsprings with technology solution, an invisible spy software. As mentioned in the article "Detect and Correct Your Children's Bad Drinking or Eating Habits", parents can use a friendly spy software to monitor the computer and internet activities of their kids. Such invisible spy software usually records children's keystrokes, instant messages, chats, emails, posts and searches. Click here to read more.

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