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What exactly is your spouse doing online? Are they viewing pornography or having a cyber-affair? Our spy software records everything they do online and sends you exact copies of their emails and chats instantly. Also takes screenshots of spouse activity!

Do You Suspect Your Spouse is Cheating?

Spouses and lovers have cheated throughout history. Only recently have affairs grown prevalent due to the Internet age. If you suspect your spouse or lover is a cheater, then you are probably correct. Take a look at these recent survey statistics compiled from various spousal studies.

  • 85% of WOMEN who feel they have a cheating spouse ARE correct.
  • 50% of MEN who feel they have a cheating spouse ARE correct.
  • 70% of MARRIED WOMEN do not know about their spouses' affair.
  • 54% of MARRIED MEN do not know about their spouses' affair.

Whether it is a cyber affair or a physical affair, the Internet plays a major role in almost EVERY affair. The Internet is used in various ways by a cheating spouse. It can be used for simple communications between physical lovers to chat or plan dates. It can also be used as a tool for cyber affairs. A cyber affair is an affair in which all communication occurs via the Internet rather than through physical meetings. With cyber affairs, the Internet is typically used for sexual chats or provocative webcam sessions.

Does your spouse seem eager to be at the PC when nobody else is around? If so, then there's a good chance that they are doing something you wouldn't approve of.

Solutions to the Problem

Wouldn't it be nice to setup a video camera right in front of the computer to see what they are doing on the PC? Well NOW you can do practically the same thing with a simple software tool. This technology records a cheater's deceitful activities.

Most people who have online affairs are not aware that what they do on their PC can be secretly recorded. Computer spy software such as Power Spy can be loaded onto your PC and is 100% invisible. It will secretly capture everything they do online and forward you their emails and chats.

This type of spy software is completely hidden from them, so they won't know it's running. Simply install the software, wait until they use the PC, then go back to the PC and enter a secret key sequence. A password box will pop up. Type your password and see what they did!

Start monitoring now with computer spy software!

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