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What is a Letter of Business Proposal?

A business proposal letter is a document that sent to a potential client or business partner to propose a business idea, product, or service. It is a formal way of introducing your business and outlining the benefits of working together. The letter typically includes a brief introduction of the sender's company, a description of the proposed project or partnership, and the benefits that the recipient will gain from the collaboration.

The purpose of a business proposal letter is to persuade the recipient to take action, such as entering into a partnership, purchasing a product, or investing in a project. It should be clear, concise, and persuasive, highlighting the key selling points of the proposal and demonstrating why the recipient should consider it.

A well-written business proposal letter can help you stand out from the competition, showcase your professionalism, and build credibility with potential clients or partners. It is important to tailor the letter the specific to needs and interests of the recipient, and to clearly communicate how your proposal can address their challenges or help them achieve their goals.

Overall, a business proposal letter is a powerful tool for initiating business relationships and securing new opportunities for growth and success.

A Free Letter of Business Proposal

You can find more free letters of business proposal in our high quality business letter making software, Business Letter Professional.


Dear Shareware Distributor/Librarian,

_________________[Company Name] has distributed Public Domain and Shareware software (at ___________[$Amount] per disk) over the past __________[Number] years. During this time we have amassed a mailing list of __________[Number]+ IBM PC and PC Clone users. What does this have to do with you? A LOT!

As of ___________[Date], ________________[Company Name] will be entering a vertical market software development program that will no longer allow us the time or budget to aggressively market Shareware programs. The cost of advertising and catalog printing we will save will be put to use better in financially backing our newest endeavor. This is where YOU can benefit. Since we will no longer be going after the Shareware dollars, we will give other Shareware distributors, like yourself, the opportunity to purchase our customer list.

Why would you want to buy our customer list? Based on the current costs of advertising in periodicals like _______________[magazine name], you could be paying as much as ___________[$Amount] FOR EACH NAME of a qualified computer owner interested in your product (which happens to be the same product as ours!). This figure assumes your monthly advertising costs you _____________[$Amount] and you receive around _________[Number] response (which were the averages we received). By buying our list, you will get QUALIFIED names for as little as _____________[$Amount] EACH!

This customer list contains the names, addresses, cities, states, and zip codes for over 2,000 computer users who have responded to our advertising of Public Domain and Shareware Software for sale. Obviously, we do not mean to imply that all of these prospects placed order with us (did yours?) but a very large portion of them did. The list was last updated with a First-Class mailing to delete bad addresses in ___________[Month] of this year. Although we make no guarantee of its current accuracy, we would not expect bac-address returns to be above a minimal amount.

The customer list is available in 1 of 2 quantities. You can purchase _________[Number] names for ___________[$Amount], or you can purchase the entire list of ______________[Number] for __________[$Amount]. Either way you choose INCLUDES UPS return shipping. The customer list can be sent on mailing labels, sorted by ascending zip code (ready for bulk-mail pre-sort), or on a formatted floppy diskette in a comma-delimited ASCII file importable to most existing database programs. Please specify the format you desire when you order. Your customer list will be shipped within 24 hours providing you pay with a cashiers check, money order, Master Charge, or Visa. Payments made with personal or company check will be held 14 days from deposit before shipping the list to you. For credit card orders, send the card account #, and expiration date, along with a signature and day-time phone number for verification if necessary.

Wishing you good business,



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